Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Seize the Moment!!

“To fashion a dynamic and positive classroom is to contribute in real ways to a more dynamic and positive world.”
I love this quote because it shows the importance of a dynamic and positive classroom for each of your children. As a teacher, you are teaching the world. You have a big job in front of you. It helps me take my schooling more serious and helps me keep the children of the future in my mind always.

“Simply put, opportunity is more closely related to exhilaration than to drudgery. Genuine opportunity may be frightening, because it seems out of reach, but it is seldom stultifying. Opportunity requires hard work, but it is work with a purpose—it is work in pursuit of a dream.”(Carter, 2001, p.70)
This quote says it all. I love this quote.  There are many opportunities in our lives and the lives of our students that may be frightening because they seem so hard to accomplish but they are always worth the work. I have seen that many times in my life already and I am sure there are a lot more opportunities in front of me.

A wise teacher understands that virtually everything in the classroom will work better if it “belongs to us” rather than “belonging to me.”
I think that many teachers forget this concept or have never realized it. When you open your classroom and make it the class’ room, you are breaking down walls that have been built and you create an opportunity to let each of the students feel like they are in a “safe” zone.

There were many other quotes in these chapters that I really like but these are the top 3.


Genan said...

Opportunity is often pretty scary, but NEVER boring. This was unique and fun to reflect on.

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